2018 Ottawa Hunger Report: Food Banks Do More as Governments Do Less

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have released our 2018 Ottawa Hunger Report, titled Food Banks Do More, As Governments Do Less.

The report indicates that we and our network of agencies are having to become long-term food providers in order to fill gaps left by government programs.

Demand for emergency food support has increased by nearly 30 per cent since the recession in 2008.

This growing reliance on food banks puts enormous pressure on food programs to fill the gaps. The Ottawa Food Bank’s member agency food programs are responding with services to support clients in ways beyond providing food. Many agencies now assist clients with a range of programming such as child care, mental health services, community kitchens, financial literacy assistance, and community service information and referrals.

The Ottawa Food Bank is calling on all levels of government to work together in taking more aggressive action on poverty, eliminating food insecurity, and taking on the responsibility of protecting the most vulnerable people in Ottawa.

Report Highlights

  • 37,524 people access a food program every month.
  • 34% of food bank clients visit a food program at least once a month. Food banks have become a permanent and reliable source for people’s monthly food supply.
  • The Ottawa Food Bank is encouraged by what they anticipate seeing in the City of Ottawa’s new Strategic Plan as they have been meeting and advocating with the various council members to make food security an explicit strategic priority.
  • Ottawa Food Bank’s strategic recommendations include:
    • Building more affordable housing
    • Develop specific strategies for food security
    • Increase social assistance programs by using the Market Basket Measure to align benefits to the cost of living in each community

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