4th Annual Food Sort Challenge a record-breaking hit!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thank you to all teams who participated during the 2015 Food Sort Challenge. You all made this year’s event the best one yet. With a record number of participating teams (26!) comes amazing results!

[blockquote]In one day, 26 teams sorted through 26 tons of food and raised approximately $13,600 dollars and 10 boxes of food for the Ottawa Food Bank![/blockquote]

Congratulations to all teams for being incredible Ottawa Food Bank ambassadors – but an extra congratulations to our two winning teams of the day.

Most Spirited Team goes to IBM Food Fighters. They won a pizza party, generously donated by Gabriels Pizza. And the 2015 Food Sort Challenge CHAMPIONS are MPI M&M’s with an incredible time of 11 minutes and 13 seconds. They won a box suite experience at the Canadian Tire Centre for an Ottawa Senators game! This prize is generously provided by Stoneworks Technologies.

Thank you to everyone who participated. Your support means so much, not only to the Ottawa Food Bank but to the people across the city who are trying to move beyond hunger.

Also thank you to the people who helped make this event what it is. Thank you to our Premier Event Sponsor, Investors Group. Thank you to our two Prize Sponsors, Gabriel Pizza and Stoneworks Technologies. Also thank you to our wonderful MC and hype-man Carlo Lombard from Progressive Shift.

Select the photos below to see each team’s time, and for more photos from the day, please check out the photo album on Facebook.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”14232,14233,14234,14235,14236,14237,14238,14239,14240,14241,14242,14243,14244,14245,14246,14247,14248,14249,14250,14251,14252,14253,14254,14255,14256,14257″ title=”Team Photos”][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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