A Volunteer’s Gift

For Alison Hamilton, there isn’t just one reason why she’s decided to dedicate her time and money to the Ottawa Food Bank. There are many.

Hamilton is a longtime monthly donor and volunteer in the Ottawa Food Bank’s warehouse. She works two-hour shifts every week on the sorting line. For the 63-year-old, donating her time is a chance to have fun, stay active, be social, and know that she’s making a difference to community members who need a little extra help putting healthy food on their tables.

“I plan to be both a volunteer and a donor for as long as I can,” she says.

No day on the sorting line is ever the same. “Sometimes we’re packing frozen meat, sometimes we’re washing potatoes and putting them in boxes, sometimes we’re sorting large amounts of donated food,” she says. “It’s never boring!”

Hamilton has donated to the Ottawa Food Bank for nearly twenty years and believes that a monthly contribution is the best way to demonstrate her commitment to building a healthier city. She gives $25 a month, now that she’s retired from her career as a software engineer.

[blockquote]“Food banks are essential. People have tragic events in their lives. Sometimes sad things happen — you lose your job, your house burns down, you have an accident. These are not necessarily things you can control,” she says. “There are many, many reasons why people aren’t able to make ends meet. Those of us who can, it’s important for us to help and to ensure that everyone gets enough to eat.”[/blockquote]


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