Thank you, Ottawa!
A big thank you to the over 400 workplaces across our great city that participated in the 2014 Holiday Food Drive. We’ve counted and tallied all your donations and this year was a great success!
The AMAZING participating workplaces collectively donated approximately 135,000 lbs of food and $113,700!!
As the Holiday Food Drive came to a close and donation pick-ups began, we were lucky and grateful to once again have amazing help from the fine folks at Dymon Self Storage, and the Army Reserve Unit from the 33rd Service Battalion – on top of our already hard-working drivers. THANK YOU!
Because of the hard work and generous spirit of Holiday Food Drive participants, the Ottawa Food Bank has the resources to get families and individuals in need through the remaining cold Winter months.
It is always so wonderful to see the community come together to fight hunger in Ottawa. Thank you!