Amazing 2019 Courthouse Food Drive

Thank you to the County of Carleton Law Association for continuing your tradition of support and giving through the Annual Courthouse Food Drive.

Dedicated members of the CCLA and local law firms spend time in the lobby of the courthouse for a week straight in March to accept donations for the Ottawa Food Bank. They also encouraged people to donate to the Ottawa Food Bank online.

In addition to this, amazing law firms across the city held internal food and fund drives as well as part of the #LawyersFillTheFoodBank initiative. Congratulations to the team at Gowling for winning the “Golden Can Challenge Award” as a result of your hard and generous efforts.

Their hard work and dedication paid off. This year, our incredible lawyers and law associations donated an impressive $25,483 and 737 lbs of food!

Thank you to everyone who donated and to everyone from the CCLA for your continued commitment over the years. Your enthusiasm and support through this event means so much to us and is felt throughout our city. Your support is truly improving the lives of people in Ottawa.

Thank you!


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