CBC Project Give is a record breaker!

Thank you to everyone for your incredible generosity!

CBC’s fans and Ottawa Food Bank’s supporters collectively donated  $197,845.70 to provide food to our community during CBC Project Give on December 14th. Thank you to all who contributed – your generosity has helped brighten the holidays for thousands in our city.

The annual and joyous broadcast was filled with live music, stories, prizes, giving, and the love of the community! Thank you to the National Arts Centre for providing the perfect venue and backdrop for this year’s event.

CBC Project Give is a day dedicated to the community the entire Ottawa Food Bank team looks forward to every year. We love it because it brings the city together, and because helps so many families and individuals.

We are very appreciative of our major and matching donors who gave so generously and helped encourage others to give as well. Thank you to Dan and Kim Theriault, Ten Thousand Villages, The Loaves and Fishes Foundation, and our anonymous donor. Your support means so much.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in to CBC on the 14th and donated over the phone or online. We love and appreciate that you were inspired to give based on what you heard throughout the day. Also thank you to everyone who stopped by Equator Coffee to visit Hallie Cotnam and Ottawa Food Bank staff to make a donation, and of course – thank you to all who came by the NAC to join in on the festivities and make a donation.

A heartfelt thank you to our community food program member agencies who opened their doors to us and CBC to share the amazing work you do. Thank you to the people at these programs who shared their stories. It is because of you that people picked up their phones and called to donate. You are our daily inspiration.

Thank you to the amazing people at CBC Ottawa for your energy and dedication to the day. Whether you are behind the scenes or in front of the microphone – we thank you!

Finally – thank you to our hard working and devoted volunteers! We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for being the friendly and helpful voice on the other end of the phone when donors called in to give a gift. Thank you to MPI Ottawa, Adobe, Algonquin College staff, and some of our regulars for being there to make the day so great. Also, thank you to the tech team who set us up with everything we needed for our call in centre. Thank you to DE Systems for providing laptops to process the donations and to Versature for providing the phones and on-site help throughout the day.

In 2014, CBC Project Give provided the boost the Ottawa Food Bank needed to pilot our reFRESH winter produce program, which helps to purchase fresh produce for the winter months, while our farm is closed for the season. This year’s charity fundraiser will  purchase that fresh food and more, well into the New Year.


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