Corus Feeds Kids

The Corus Feeds Kids campaign goal is to ensure no child in Canada goes through the day hungry.

Last year, with generous contributions, this campaign helped raise over a million dollars for food banks and other organizations across the country. This year they want to do even more!

June 13th is Corus Feeds Kids day…a day when you can help make a difference for children in our community.

For the Ottawa Corus Feeds Kids campaign, on June 13th Boom 99.7 will be at the Ad Mare food truck (located South Side of Slater east of O’Connor between 10am – 4pm ) and JUMP! 106.9 will be at the Red Roaster food truck (located East side of Bank, North of Glen between 10am – 4pm).  Stop by either location, grab a bite to eat, make a donation and make a difference!  Each location is creating a special dish with portions of the proceeds from those sales going to the Ottawa Food Bank.

To support this initiative, you can also make a donation online at any time!







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