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12th Annual Carleton University Chemistry Magic Show

They’re either going to glow it up or blow it up!

This year’s event is a Chemistry Magic Show honouring the International Year of the Periodic Table!

The one-hour magic show will feature amazing glow-in-the-dark substances, fantastic colour changes, spontaneous combustion reactions and more. Even if you have seen the show before, we will have some new tricks up our sleeves so come see it again!
Their goal for this event is to inspire, entertain and inform! They aim to wow you with the visual power of our demonstrations, highlight the underlying chemical and scientific principles behind them, and explain their applications and impacts on our everyday lives.


Hands-on activities start at 9:00 a.m.
Chemistry Magic Shows at 10:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:45 p.m.
Carleton University
Richcraft Hall (formerly River Building)
Check their Facebook and Twitter feed for updates if the weather is questionable.


Admission is free, however they will be accepting donations of cash and non-perishable food for the Ottawa Food Bank.
Please find more show details, and details about the hands on activities on the Chemistry Magic Show website.


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