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20th Annual All FORD Spectacular

Come check out the show, or sign up to enter your own car!

Date: Sunday July 22, 2018 (Rain or Shine)
Registration: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon ($10.00 per vehicle)
Location: 1500 Carling Ave. at the Queensway, Ottawa

Hundreds of vehicles in 25 classes
Dash plaques to the first 150 entrants
* music * food * refreshments * door prizes *
Trophies and awards 3:00 p.m.
Vendors and flea marketers welcome ($10.00 per space)

Non-perishable food donations greatly appreciated

For information please contact:
peter.burton@campbellford.com 613-725-3647
steve.burton@campbellford.com 613-288-2403



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