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Heels for Meals – SOLD OUT

Networking luncheon & fundraiser for the Ottawa Food Bank’s Baby Basics Program


Hosted by Jamilah Taib Murray and Waterford Property Group, Heels for Meals is a fundraising event for the Ottawa Food Bank’s important Baby Basics Program, complete with amazing prizes, auction items, and more!
The reality is, 36 per cent of households who receive support from the Ottawa Food Bank have children. Proceeds from Heels for Meals will help to purchase baby cereal, formula, and diapers for families in Ottawa who are struggling to provide for their young ones.
It’s heartbreaking to think of children in Ottawa going without food and supplies. Through this event, you can help the Ottawa Food Bank distribute baby basics to their 67 member agency programs who provide these necessities to young families.

Event details:

  • Wednesday, September 25, 2019
  • 12PM-3PM
  • SOCIAL Restaurant & Lounge, 537 Sussex Drive

Ticket information:

  • Individual tickets for the luncheon are $125
  • A group of four will enjoy a reduced price of $450

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