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Ottawa Food Bank Town Hall: Affordable Housing and Food Security

The Ottawa Food Bank is hosting a town hall event examining the complex issues of poverty, affordable housing, and food security in Ottawa. Join our panel of experts and leaders from Ottawa’s social services community to get a better understanding of the issues affecting the most vulnerable members of our community.

The panel guests are:
  • Mathew Fleury, City Councillor for Lowertown, Sandy Hill, and Vanier; Board Chair of Ottawa Community Housing
  • Kristen Holinsky, Executive Director, The Alliance to End Homelessness
  • Michael Maidment, CEO, Ottawa Food Bank
  • Ray Sullivan, Executive Director, Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation

Over 37,520 people need emergency food in Ottawa evPreview (opens in a new window)ery month. There are over 10,000 people on the waiting list for affordable housing. How are these two issues connected? How are the solutions linked? As we head into a federal election, what should we be asking for from our political leaders to address the issue of poverty?

Join us for this important conversation with civic leaders.
Please click below to RSVP to this FREE event.

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