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Town Hall: Poverty Reduction Strategies and Food Security

The Ottawa Food Bank will be hosting a Town Hall on Wednesday, November 13th, featuring a panel of experts speaking about the need for a poverty reduction strategy in Ottawa.

Ottawa has not had a poverty reduction strategy in over a decade, and since the City is currently undergoing strategic planning, we look to make this a priority now.

Our goal for this Town Hall is to discuss the need for a strategy, how to bring a strategy forward for the city, what should be included in a Poverty Reduction Strategy, and how it can be used to reduce food insecurity in Ottawa.

Summary of details:
  • Wednesday, November 13, 2019
    7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
  • Nepean Sportsplex – Hall A
    1701 Woodroffe Ave, Nepean, ON K2G 1W2
The panel guests are:
  • Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe;
  • Tom Cooper, Director, Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction
  • Linda Lalonde, Chair, Poverty Reduction Network
  • Michael Maidment, CEO, Ottawa Food Bank

The moderator will be Michèle Biss, Policy Director and Human Rights Lawyer, Canada Without Poverty.

This is the second in our series of Town Halls to bring awareness to the issue of food insecurity and the underlining issues of poverty in Ottawa. Join us for this important conversation with civic leaders to learn about how we can address the complex issues of poverty and food insecurity through a Poverty Reduction Strategy.

RSVP online at by November 10, 2019.

Space is limited! Our last town hall event sold out.
Be sure to register right away to secure your spot!





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