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Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Your ugly Christmas sweater could provide food and support to thousands of families and individuals this month. On December 21, show us your ugly Christmas sweater in support of the Ottawa Food Bank!
Encourage your workplace to hold an Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and collect donations for the Ottawa Food Bank.
Make it a competition to encourage participation! And don’t forget to post your “elfie” and tag @ottawafoodbank so we can see your holiday greatness.

How to Execute:

  • Register your event at on our website or email us to let us know you’re doing it!
  • Decide how many monetary donation boxes you would like, posters, etc.
  • Ask people to donate $5 to wear their ugly Christmas sweater

Why do it? To support an worthy cause right here in Ottawa.
Where to find an ugly sweater: Glue some glitter and props to an old sweater or find one at Giant Tiger, Value Village, the back of your closet…


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