First ever Ottawa Food Security Conference well received

The Ottawa Food Bank was honoured to host the city’s first-ever Ottawa Food Security Conference at the end of May. A big thank you to all the speakers and attendees who made the conference so great.

The goal of the conference was to develop and grow the discourse around food security in Ottawa through knowledge sharing and professional development. Thanks to the caliber of the speakers and the participation of the delegates this goal was met as everyone came together.

Thank you to the speakers and panelists for sharing your experiences and expertise. Thank you Laura May, Dr. Vera Etches, Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, Dr. Isabelle Giroux, Aganeta Enns, Emily Spencer, Chef Ric Watson, Benedicte Carriere, Myriam Bouchard, Lola Dubé-Quibell, Holly Wagg, Mandy Arsenault, Jenny Mitchell, Kaitrin Doll, Patricia Lau, Danika Frappier, Rebecca O’Neil, and Maureen Cunningham.

Also, thank you to the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre and Advantage AV for ensuring the conference looked and sounded wonderful.

The conversation can’t stop here. The Ottawa Food Bank will continue to advocate for change in our city, especially with the upcoming Municipal election. Beyond that, we’re already excited to host next year’s conference, and we hope to see you there! If you’d like to be on the distribution list for future conference details, please contact Anne Millar.


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