News Release: Food drive results down by 50 per cent from last year

Ottawa Food Bank encourages people to continue to give

(Ottawa) This past Saturday was the Ottawa Food Bank’s annual Thanks for Giving Food Drive, which saw significantly lower than usual results.

The food bank feels the timing of this year’s food drive may have hand an impact on the number.

“Thanksgiving is earlier than usual this year,” says Michael Maidment, Executive Director of the Ottawa Food Bank. “I think because of the timing and the beautiful weather, the ‘holiday spirit’ hasn’t quite kicked in yet.”

This year’s food drive raised only 18,555 pounds of food and under $1,000, which is 50 per cent down from last year’s event.

“We know the people of Ottawa are incredibly generous,” says Maidment. “Just because the official food drive is over, that doesn’t mean donations can’t still be made. We have our bins in the grocery stores – we encourage people to continue to give generously as we head into the holiday season. Our neighbours depend on it.”

A secure donation can also be made online at



About the Ottawa Food Bank:
The Ottawa Food Bank is the Capital’s central food assistance organization. Through its network of community food programs, the Ottawa Food Bank provides food for upwards of 41,500 people per month, 36 per cent of whom were children. On average, 12 to 14 tons of food is shipped from its Michael Street warehouse weekday. For more information on how the Ottawa Food Bank helps its neighbours move beyond hunger, or to make a secure online donation, please visit:

For more information or to request an interview, please contact:
Samantha Ingram
Communications Coordinator, Ottawa Food Bank
613-745-7001 ex. 105


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