If you are in need of food assistance, please click here to access a program in your area
Since 1984, the Ottawa Food Bank has supported our community – and the need has never been this dire. Right now, 1 in 4 Ottawa households experiences food insecurity. Our city is facing a hunger crisis.
The Ottawa Food Bank’s goal is to reduce the need for food banks; and when food insecurity does occur, we want to ensure our community has the capacity to provide a holistic response.
We need all hands-on deck to end this crisis. Show your pride in supporting our mission toward a #FoodSecure2050.
37% of Ottawa Food Bank network visitors are children
90% increase in food program visits since 2019
Over 556,000 visits to member agencies each year
Ottawa Food Bank distributes an average of 16 tons of food - the equivalent of 6,400 5lb shopping bags, each weekday
Show your pride in supporting our mission toward a #FoodSecure2050.
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The Ottawa Food Bank is a registered charitable organization.
Registered Charity Number: 10808 2363 RR0001