If you are in need of food assistance, please click here to access a program in your area
The Ottawa Food Bank has been serving our community since 1984, but we’ve never seen the need this extreme. Nearly 1 in 4 Ottawa households are food insecure. Our city is in the depths of a hunger crisis.
This emergency demands action from all levels of government yet less than 2% of Ottawa Food Bank funding comes from the City of Ottawa. We urgently need the municipality to provide immediate relief and invest in policies that address the root causes of poverty.
Food is a fundamental human right. No one in our community should go without. Will you stand with your neighbours and demand action?
Click on the interactive map to find your ward’s city councillor and tell them it’s time to prioritize food security within poverty reduction strategies. Complete the form below and make your voice heard.
Food is a fundamental human right. No one in our community should go without. Will you stand with your neighbours and demand action?
Tell your ward’s city councillor it’s time to prioritize food security within poverty reduction strategies. Complete the form below and make your voice heard.
37% of Ottawa Food Bank network visitors are children
90% increase in food program visits since 2019
Over 556,000 visits to food programs each year
The Ottawa Food Bank distributes an average of 16 tons of food each weekday
The Ottawa Food Bank was meant to be a temporary response, yet 40 years later the need is greater than ever. Ending food insecurity requires the support of all levels of government.
The Ottawa Food Bank is a registered charitable organization.
Registered Charity Number: 10808 2363 RR0001
©2025 Ottawa Food Bank