Hunger Action Month: DONATE

The 4th week of Hunger Action Month carries the theme DONATE.

Our donors help immensely with our main objective and vision: healthy, accessible, sustainable food for all.

There are many ways to donate, and each helps our operations in a different way. You can donate money, food, or your time.


Donating money to the Ottawa Food Bank goes a long way. We are able to provide $5 worth of food for every dollar donated.

Your monetary donations also help ensure we can purchase the foods we need, when we need them. Not only do we purchase non-perishable, but a large amount of your donor dollars go towards purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, and eggs. We spend over $1.6million on food alone every year.

Donors have many options to them when it comes to donating money. You can make a single donation, become a monthly donor, or make a planned gift to contribute to the Ottawa Food Bank beyond your life time.


When people donate food to the Ottawa Food Bank, we always like to encourage healthy choices. If it’s during a food drive please ensure your healthy choices are non-perishable, such as legumes, whole grain pasta, non-salted tuna, etc. We also take donations of fresh food, but ask that you bring those items right to us.

We not only encourage healthy choices, but we also want you to donate your family favourites. What food items do you love the most with your family? Those vary items will end up on the table of a family or individual in need, and they just may be their favourites too.

Not sure what to donate? Scroll through our Donate Food page to see what we can or cannot accept.


Our volunteers means so much to us. We are fortunate enough to work with approximately 3,000 volunteers every year. Whether people give their time just once or on a regular basis, we are grateful for the support. Our volunteers do everything for us from answers phones, to help on the farm. From assisting with food deliveries, to sorting donations in our warehouse.

Have questions about volunteering? Check out our FAQ page as well as our general Volunteer information page.


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