Introducing our new Executive Director: Michael Maidment

The team of staff at the Ottawa Food Bank is excited to welcome Michael Maidment as the organization’s new Executive Director effective early September.

“We conducted a very thorough search process and are extremely pleased to welcome Mike to the team at the Ottawa Food Bank,” says Michael Adams, Ottawa Food Bank’s Board Chair. “Michael knows how to run an organization. His social services, operations management and media background, matched with his leadership savvy and compassion, make him a strong team leader and innovator in partnerships and programs.”

Maidment has been serving as Area Director of Public Relations and Development for the Salvation Army in the National Capital, Kingston, Quinte and Eastern Ontario Regions for the last 7 years.

“I’m extremely pleased to be joining the Ottawa Food Bank and feel privileged to lead what I know is a very committed team of staff and volunteers,” said Maidment. “I look forward to working with the team to engage the food bank’s supporters and volunteers, collaborate with our member agencies, develop new partnerships, and strive for continuous improvement and innovation in the distribution of food to those in need in our region.” He added, “Our job every day will be to continue to get food to the hungry and with it, build up the strength, independence and dignity of our neighbours in need.”

We’re excited to welcome you to the team in September, Michael!


One Response

  1. Thank you for doing such a good job of feeding the less fortunate.
    Are you looking for land to grow gardens? What is the process?
    I am interested in learning your needs.
    Bless you as you go about your day.
    Colleen Cox

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