Loblaw employees from across Canada assemble to help people in need in Ottawa and Gatineau

THANK YOU to the team of over 300 Loblaws discount division employees who are giving back to the Ottawa and Gatineau community today by preparing 7,500 bags filled with five of the most needed food items to be donated to the Ottawa Food Bank and the Moisson Outaouais.

[blockquote]“Loblaw colleagues from across the country have come together to show their overwhelming support for those in need in the Ottawa area,” says Jocyanne Bourdeau, executive vice president, discount operations and merchandising, Loblaw Companies Limited. “At Loblaw we believe we have a responsibility to help feed Canadians, whether they shop in our stores, or require our support through donations to food banks across the country.”[/blockquote]

Loblaw Companies is in Ottawa this week for their National Kick Off Event from February 7 – 9 at the Shaw Centre. During the three days of the conference more than 1,500 store managers and Loblaw employees will participate in various events meant to build enthusiasm for the coming year and foster team building.

At the end of a three-day conference taking place at the Shaw Centre, Loblaw is donating the equivalent of approximately three 53-foot trailers filled with perishable and non-perishable food items to both the Ottawa Food Bank and Moisson Outaouais. This is in addition to the 7,500 bags of most-needed items donated and packed by Loblaw’s discount division.

[blockquote]”We are incredibly grateful for this thoughtful and generous contribution,” confirms Michael Maidment, executive director of the Ottawa Food Bank. “In the winter months, it is particularly challenging for us to meet the needs of our nearly 50,000 clients so this donation from Loblaw, its vendors and the Shaw Centre will make a real difference in our community.”[/blockquote]

Thank you to Loblaw Companies Limited for the many ways you support the Ottawa Food Bank and people in need in our community.


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