Loblaws employees from across two provinces visit Ottawa Food Bank

On September 16th we hosted approximate 130 Loblaws/Provigo executive employees from across Ontario and Quebec, as they were in Ottawa for meetings.

While in town, they stopped by to visit the Ottawa Food Bank so we could share with them how their grocery store locations help us to provide for the community. The team was split into two groups; while one group was getting a tour of the facility, the other group was competing in a fast paced Food Sort Challenge.

The afternoon was filled with smiles, knowledge sharing, and a little competition. Congratulations to the Ottawa Loblaws location – Undefeated – for winning the Loblaws Food Sort Challenge and walking away with ultimate bragging rights.

The team from Loblaws surprised our CEO, Michael Maidment, with a very generous donation of $3,555. This generosity was thanks to managers from all participating locations contributing funds to further help the Ottawa community.

Thank you to Loblaws/Provigo for all you do for the Ottawa Food Bank and food banks across Ontario and Quebec. We truly appreciate your support and partnership and we were happy to spend the afternoon with you.


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