Donations support citywide food programs, including initiatives for new Canadians
(Ottawa, ON) The Ottawa Food Bank is reminding the community that donations are critical at this time of year given the reach and depth of their work citywide, and how donations coming in now are stretched well into the New Year.
“We’re grateful for the support of our community,” said Michael Maidment, Executive Director of the Ottawa Food Bank. “While donations are steady compared to last December, funds that come in at this time of year have to last well into the winter months, so that we may continue our work in distributing food to our agency partners and their clients throughout the City.” Maidment added that recent reports on the expected rise in food prices beyond the rate of inflation may have families needing to reach out to their local food program to make ends meet.
Maidment is also anticipating an increased demand in food from agency partners once additional Syrian refugees are settled in Ottawa in the coming months. “While we don’t yet have all the details on the next settlement of refugees, we do know that food will be a high priority,” said Maidment. “We want to be in a position to respond to that need with a variety of wholesome, fresh and non-perishable foods.”
Maidment also reminds supporters that with every $1 donated, the Ottawa Food Bank is able to generate $5 worth of food, given its bulk purchasing power and discount agreements with food industry partners.
Donations made by December 31st will be reflected in this taxation year. Tax receipts are issued immediately for online donations, and within three weeks of donations received by phone and mail. As well, the First-time Donor’s Super Credit (FDSC), introduced by the Government of Canada in 2013, encourages charitable donations from first-time donors or those who have not claimed a charitable donation on their taxes in the last five years.
The Ottawa community is encouraged to make a secure online donation at or by calling 613-745-7001.
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About the Ottawa Food Bank
The Ottawa Food Bank is the Ottawa Region’s central food assistance organization. Through its 140 member agencies, the Ottawa Food Bank helps 50,000 individuals per month, 37 per cent of whom are children. On average, 12-14 tons of food is shipped from its Michael Street warehouse each working day.
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For more information contact:
Patti Murphy
Director, Communications & Development
Ottawa Food Bank
613-745-7001 ext. 118