Ottawa made this the best CBC Project Give yet!

CBC’s listeners and viewers along with Ottawa Food Bank’s supporters worked together to make CBC Project Give a RECORD YEAR!

When all was said and done, and the CBC Project Give related programing was over,
the community donated an incredible $200,477.26!

The special annual CBC broadcast was filled with live music, stories, prizes, giving, and the love of the community! Thank you to the National Arts Centre for providing the perfect venue and backdrop for this year’s event. Your support for the last two years of this event has meant so much to us.

It was incredible to see the city come together to support our neighbours. Whether you stopped by the NAC or Equator Coffee in person, donated online or over the phone, or helped the event’s success in another way – THANK YOU. You have made a difference in our community and we do not take your support for granted. We are beyond grateful.

for food for your neighbours!
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We are very appreciative of our major and matching donors who gave so generously and helped encourage others to give as well. Thank you to Dan and Kim Theriault, Ten Thousand Villages, Hazel Patterson, and the group of loyal CBC listeners. Your generosity means so much and makes a big difference in our city.

A heartfelt thank you to our community food program member agencies who opened their doors to us and CBC to share the amazing work you do. Thank you to all who shared their stories. It is because of you that the community responded so generously. We are here for you and you are our daily motivation and inspiration.

Thank you to the amazing people at CBC Ottawa for your energy, enthusiasm, and tireless dedication to the day. Whether you are behind the scenes or in front of the microphone – we thank you! The work for this event starts months before the actual day, and we a grateful for all the hours you put in to support the community.

A major portion of the day is our call room, where volunteers are there to take callers donations. Thank you to the two organizations who set us up with everything we needed. Thank you to DE Systems for very generously providing laptops to process donations and to Versature for not providing the phones and on-site tech help throughout the day, but for also volunteering your time answering the phones.

Finally – thank you to our hard working volunteers! We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for being the friendly and helpful voice on the other end of the phone when donors called in to give a gift.

CBC Project Give helped us pilot our reFRESH program five years ago, and the annual support from this event continues to help us purchase much-needed fresh food during the months when our farm is out of season.

Thank You!


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