Ottawa responded to our low Thanks for Giving Food Drive

September 30 marked our annual Thanks for Giving Food Drive, ahead of the Thanksgiving long weekend. While we are grateful for the donors and volunteers who participated that weekend, the results were significantly lower than we’ve seen in the past. In fact, we collected 50 per cent fewer donations than the previous year.

We reported the results to our supporters through social media, traditional media, and our website. The days following this announcement were wonderful and our red cages in grocery stores began to fill once again, and people showed up at our warehouse with donations as well.

Throughout the days that followed, we collected an additional 11,460 pounds of food!

It was also extremely heart warming and helpful to receive a number of phone calls from donors stating something to the affect of, “I just heard Michael Maidment on the radio. I hear your donations are down – so I’d like to donate.”

THANK YOU to everyone who responded to our plea. While we’re still slightly down from last year, you’ve helped us fill a few more of our shelves, and land on more level ground.


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