Planned Giving: Tomorrow's Harvest

Tomorrow’s Harvest is the Ottawa Food Bank’s special recognition club of donors who have chosen to help end hunger by including the Ottawa Food Bank in their Will and estate planning.
The following is an except from a letter written by the brothers of Frederick Jackson, the Founding Member of Tomorrow’s Harvest.
[blockquote]We come from a family of 4 boys. Our brother, Frederick, was gifted intellectually and had a passion for sports, sports memorabilia, and collector cards. He was savvy about trading, buying and selling and was able to turn his hobby into a profitable but unsteady business.
Like many people in our community, Rick faced challenges that overwhelmed him. Despite the opportunities available to him, he made poor choices which ultimately led to a dependence on alcohol.
During his times of greatest need, when it was too painful to accept help from family, the Ottawa Food Bank was there. They provided emergency food and gave him strength as he struggled with his addiction.  Rick always remembered how the Ottawa Food Bank assisted him in times of desperate need.
A number of years ago, with our support and encouragement, Rick purchased an annuity that provided him with a modest but steady income to ensure he had a place to call home and a way to take care of himself.
Sadly, Rick passed away suddenly last June and we miss him deeply. After his death, we were reminded of his thoughtfulness and compassion. Rick had named the Ottawa Food Bank as a beneficiary of any residual value on his annuity.
Through his generous gift to the Ottawa Food Bank, Rick is helping to feed more than 41,500 people across our city every month. He had lived the life that too many people in our community know all too well: skipping meals; choosing low-cost, low-nutrient food; and dealing with the anxiety that comes when the food runs out and there isn’t enough money to buy more.
A gift in your Will can help ensure your family is taken care of and help the Ottawa Food Bank take care of families in our community.
We hope our brother’s story will inspire others.
Tomorrow's Harvest Signatures Ottawa Food Bank planned giving Will Estate
Bill, Dave and Robert Jackson on behalf of
The Late Frederick Jackson, Founding Member of Tomorrow’s Harvest[/blockquote]
If you have any questions about Tomorrow’s Harvest, or wish to include the Ottawa Food Bank in your estate planning, please contact Tricia Johnson, the Ottawa Food Bank’s Major Gift and Planned Giving Officer.


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