A look back at our Summer Lunch Program

As the temperatures change, and we begin to get ready for the busy season ahead, we’re taking a moment to look back on what was accomplished during this year’s Summer Lunch Program.

This past summer’s program looked different than years previous. The Summer Lunch Program had an incredible food literacy component where kids at 16 camps across the city not only received a healthy meal, but also learned about what they’re eating, and how to prepare it!

Each week, the day camps received a box of fresh items and ingredients, as well as recipes for each day. The kids made their own lunches as part of their daily activities at camp and also received a fun food-related activity.

The feedback we received from participating programs was incredible! We’re thrilled to learn that the children enjoyed helping out with this daily process.

Summer Lunch Program by the numbers:

  • Provided food for 500 children over the course of the seven week program

  • Provided enough food for lunches and nutrition breaks for five days per week, which totals an amazing 17,500 lunches 

  • Total food cost: $41,495

Having lost a long-term supporter of the summer lunch program, this cost would have been near impossible to afford if it weren’t for Hydro Ottawa stepping up to help.

THANK YOU Hydro Ottawa for your support. Programs like the Summer Lunch Program are so crucial during the summertime. This program is how we reach children who would otherwise receive support during school breakfast/lunch program.


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