THANK YOU to our amazing Volunteers!

Happy National Volunteer Week!

April 23rd to 29th is National Volunteer Week. This week is a time to reflect on and recognize our volunteers and the awesome power of their volunteerism in the Ottawa community.
We try to thank our volunteers on a daily basis – but sometimes it is hard to communicate exactly how much they give to our community. This year, we’ve put together our first ever Volunteer Impact Report to show our volunteers just that.
With nearly 3,000 volunteers helping us every year, we really couldn’t do it without them. THANK YOU to all who so generously donate their time.

To our volunteers – THANK YOU! You are truly helping change the lives of
men, women, and children in need in Ottawa.

In the Volunteer Impact Report you’ll find out exactly how you’re helping. Such as:

  • You volunteered your time in our warehouse and checked, sorted, and boxed over $8,000,000 worth of donated food last year.
  • You helped us plant, weed, and harvest 90,284 lbs. of fresh fruits and vegetables at our Community Harvest farm.


[shortcode_button type=”default” align=”left” target=”_self” link=”” icon=”none”]See How You Helped[/shortcode_button]


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