Thank You IKEA!

Thank you to all the co-workers at IKEA for selecting the Ottawa Food Bank to be the beneficiary of this very special and generous donation.

The money was raised during IKEA’s Let’s Play for Change campaign, where they sold special stuffies for kids that were actually designed by kids!

This campaign raised an incredible $6,987.16 for the Ottawa Food Bank.

This donation comes to us at the perfect time, as we’re in the midst of our Summer Lunch Program, providing food and food literacy initiatives to over 500 children a day through summer day camps across the city.

More about the campaign from IKEA:

IKEA Canada wants to inspire more play for a better everyday life through the Let’s Play for Change campaign. From November 19, 2018 to January 5, 2019, IKEA has created more playful moments in all its stores across Canada. These moments are designed creatively and playfully to surprise and encourage interaction. Play is vital every day for both children and adults to recharge, connect, learn, and explore to fuel creativity and development. During the campaign period, IKEA will also donate the full turnover of its SAGOSKATT soft toy collection to local charities across Canada that support childhood development. In Ottawa, the proceeds raised allotted to $6,987.16. Our co-workers were asked to vote for the local charity they wanted these funds to be donated, and they chose the Ottawa Food Bank. The SAGOSKATT soft toy collection is part of the annual IKEA Family Soft Toy Drawing global competition, inviting children to draw their very own dream soft toy, in which 10 are chosen globally to be turned into real soft toys sold in all IKEA markets. Ottawa had its very own winner 2 years ago.  These are later sold in stores worldwide as a limited collection, with proceeds being donated locally.  … Which is how the Ottawa Food Bank ended up with this donation!   

Thank you once again for this wonderful generosity and for inviting us into your space to be a part of the most colourful and fun cheque presentation possible.


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