The wonderful guys and gals at Union Local 613 are constantly finding ways to help the Ottawa Food Bank. Their latest contribution came during their one-year anniversary party, which they turned into a fundraiser.
“July 14th. Street Food for the Food Bank. 8 chefs. 35 bones. Wicked.”
And “wicked” it was! The event was a sold out success, and raised an amazing $4,750 for the Ottawa Food Bank!
In the past, Union Local 613 has raised funds in various ways, including selling t-shirts in support of the food bank and participating in Capital Dishes, to name a few. With these efforts and the latest anniversary party, Union Local 613 has donated a generous $6,185 to the Ottawa Food Bank in under a year!
Thank you so much for thinking of the Ottawa Food Bank, you’re helping your community in a big way.
Happy Anniversary!