Thank You Union Local 613!

The wonderful guys and gals at Union Local 613 are constantly finding ways to help the Ottawa Food Bank. Their latest contribution came during their one-year anniversary party, which they turned into a fundraiser.

“July 14th. Street Food for the Food Bank. 8 chefs. 35 bones. Wicked.”

And “wicked” it was! The event was a sold out success, and raised an amazing $4,750 for the Ottawa Food Bank!

In the past, Union Local 613 has raised funds in various ways, including selling t-shirts in support of the food bank and participating in Capital Dishes, to name a few. With these efforts and the latest anniversary party, Union Local 613 has donated a generous $6,185 to the Ottawa Food Bank in under a year!

Thank you so much for thinking of the Ottawa Food Bank, you’re helping your community in a big way.

Happy Anniversary!



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