Time to grow your spuds!

The Potato Project has officially begun!

Derek Rhodenizer, the vice-principal at Heritage Academy, and his students have officially launched their long-anticipated Potato Project, as of Friday April 27th.

The public and participants were invited to the Heritage Academy to check it out and pick up their barrels. Approximately 60 people from all around the city picked up their barrels and learned how to properly grow the spuds. At the end of the harvest season, the potatoes are going to be donated to the Ottawa Food Bank.

With each barrel having the capacity to grow 40 pounds of potatoes, there is the possibility that a whopping two tons will be donated to the Ottawa Food Bank!

Donations such as this are so appreciated, as it allows us to add healthy fresh produce to the food orders we deliver to our 140 Member Agencies throughout Ottawa.

Check out the Heritage Academy blog to read Derek Rhodenizer’s reflection on the project and the launch.

Thank you to Mayor Jim Watson, Councillor David Chernushenko,  and Councillor Katherine Hobbs for attending the launch to show their support in the project, and the Ottawa Food Bank.

We are so happy to be the recipients of this creative and innovative project. It’s a fantastic community effort, and thank you to everyone involved. Good luck with your barrels!

The Launch!

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