On a regular basis fruit and nuts fall to the ground in public areas – and now, in collaboration with Hidden Harvest Ottawa and Cisco Systems, we at the Ottawa Food Bank are putting those resources to good use through the new Ottawa Trees to Tables Project.
This fall, groups of volunteers will be going to parks and public areas to gather and harvest this fresh food to donate it to those who can benefit from it most!
We need you! Please sign up to volunteer through Hidden Harvest. Or, if you have a tree in your yard in which you’re willing to donate its fruit, please sign up your backyard tree for harvesting.
This year will be the first season of this collaboration, named “Ottawa Trees to Tables”, made possible through support by Ontario Centres of Excellence – together we’ll share Ottawa’s tree foods!
*** please note: when you are signing up for this volunteer experience, you are volunteering with Hidden Harvest, not the Ottawa Food Bank. Should you have any questions please direct your questions to them. Thank you.