Delivery Assistants

Position Details

Position Title: Volunteer Delivery Assistant
Supervisor: Ottawa Food Bank transportation staff
Purpose: To assist the Ottawa Food Bank drivers make deliveries to our member agencies across the city
Time Commitment: From 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. one day per week

Tasks, Duties, & Responsibilities

  • Unload boxes from the trucks along with the drivers as they complete their route to our various agencies across Ottawa

Qualifications, Skills, & Requirments

  • Able to lift 30 lbs
  • Able to follow the directions of transportation staff
  • Able to work with a variety of people in the community
  • Must dress appropriately for the weather conditions
  • Minimum age: 18 years old

Health & Safety Requirements

  • Must wear suitable close-toed shoes at all times
  • Must follow health and safety guidelines
  • Must not use equipment
  • Must not enter back of delivery trucks
Benefit to You

You will learn about our City’s shelters, food programs, and Ottawa emergency food system and know that you have contributed to feeding people in need.

Benefit to the Ottawa Food Bank

Your assistance will allow the Ottawa Food bank to deliver food orders more efficiently to our member agencies.