What NOT to Donate


We appreciate all donations, but…

We know no one puts items in a donation bin with ill intentions. However, some items find their way to our warehouse that we simply can not distribute.
When we throw items away, we have to pay to dispose of them. To help us save on that cost, please don’t donate anything from the list below.

Here are some items that we simply can not give to our community food program partners:

  • Vitamins
  • Over the counter medications (i.e. Tylenol, Advil etc.)
  • Alcohol
  • Home baked-goods or food prepared in a home environment
  • Personally wrapped meats
  • Opened food items, or food not in its original packaging
  • Candy and snack food items in packaging that can easily be tampered with or contaminated (i.e. individual raisin boxes,  twist and foil-wrapped treats etc.)

Also, when grabbing something from your own cupboard, keep an eye on those Best Before and Expiration Dates. If you’re not sure, feel free to call us and ask (613-745-7001).
Keep in mind that we can make your monetary donations go further; we can turn every $1 donated into $5 worth of food.
[shortcode_button type=”default” align=”left” target=”_blank” link=”″ icon=”none”]Donate Online Today![/shortcode_button]
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2 Responses

  1. I am a Food Law professor at the University of Ottawa and I was wondering if you have a policy on best before dates?


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