Beyond Hunger

Every day, thousands of people in our community go hungry.

Children show up to school with grumbling stomachs. A single mother struggles to focus in a work meeting. An elderly man grows increasingly frail on the one meager meal a day that he can afford.

With your help, the Ottawa Food Bank is working to change that.

Moving beyond hunger: Our Stories

A compilation of stories about the clients, volunteers, and supporters of the Ottawa Food Bank.

How you can help your neighbours during the: COVID-19 crisis

The situation we face now is unprecedented in modern times. Almost overnight, everything changed. Schools are closed. Businesses are shuttered. Everyone is to practice social distancing and stay at home.

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Finding her footing: Mia’s Story

You never know what your neighbour is going through. Just ask Mia.

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Caring for our community’s youngest: Rebecca’s Story

Rebecca fled from an abusive relationship with only her daughter and the clothes on their backs.

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monthly clients
of food distributed each day
0 tons
Emergency Food Programs Supplied
of clients are children
0 %