Donate Food

How it Helps

The bowl of cereal that fills a child’s stomach, the can of soup that warms an elderly person, the lunch that sustains the person working hard at finding employment—these are the situations that make the work we do so rewarding. Help the Ottawa Food Bank fight hunger by giving food.

Drop off your donation at one of our drop-off locations or at the Ottawa Food Bank.

Food We Gratefully Accept

Non-perishable, nutritious food items such as canned meats and vegetables, cereal and rice are easy to store and deliver to our member agencies. Take a look at this list to see what kind of food our clients need most, or if you’d prefer to donate money, click here.

Drop off these non-perishable food items at one of our drop off locations.

Most needed items:

Drop off at our warehouse, or call us to pick up large amounts of these perishable foods items:

Ontario’s Donation of Food Act, 1994 absolves any food donor (individual or corporate) from liability when the food is donated in good faith.

Food Drop Off Locations – Postal Code Lookup

Food We Cannot Accept

We want to ensure all your donations make it to the tables of those in need, so to prevent waste please avoid donating the following:

When donating snacks please keep in mind that a nutritious treat is always preferred.

*The above standards are put in place by Food Banks Canada, and are to be utilized by all food banks and food programs.