Adopt A Crop

Engage your employees, get outdoors and support the Ottawa Food Bank. Adopt a crop today!


Crop Ambassador
Peppers Evolugen
Tomatoes Ciena

Did you know?

The Ottawa Food Bank grows fresh produce on our own 8-acre farm (donated to us by Tom Black and his family of Black Family Farm) near Stittsville? This farm plays an important role in helping us deliver such a high proportion of fresh food to over 100 agency partners. In 2023, we planted over 20 crops and harvested over 144,841 lbs of fresh food!

THANK YOU to all of our Adopt A Crop sponsors for helping us achieve these amazing targets!

Adopt a Crop invites local businesses to get involved with our community harvest. Each Adopt a Crop Ambassador will choose a crop and “champion” it over the course of the 2024 growing season. Our Ambassadors will also have access to a full season of exciting programming, including onsite community harvest volunteer shifts, virtual events, seasonal recipes and monthly updates straight from the farm!

Interested in learning more? Email our events team at