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Tote Bag Fundraiser

  WHAT: A fundraiser for the Food Bank
WHEN: Saturday, July 23, from 9:00 to 1:00.
WHERE: 1811 Gilbert Avenue, 2 blocks north of Baseline, off Navaho.
HOW: In my retirement, I repurpose-recycle clothing (jeans, jackets, shirts, skirts, ties) to create unique, lined tote bags – perfect for shoes, crafts, shopping, gifts, and wrapping gifts.
COST: $20 each. All proceeds from the sale of these one-of-a-kind, often funky, tote bags go directly to the Ottawa Food Bank.
WHY NOW: Schools are closed and families that rely on the breakfast programs are struggling with greater food insecurity.

Please drop by and help the Ottawa Food Bank. Every dollar donated can be expanded to 5 times the purchasing power by the Ottawa Food Bank. This means your purchase of a $20 tote bag will equal $100 of food for families!



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