2016 Annual General Meeting Summary

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Thank you to all our wonderful supporters, volunteers, and member agency partners who attended the Ottawa Food Bank’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday, January 25.

The meeting began with Ottawa Food Bank’s Chair of the Board, David K. Law and Executive Director, Michael Maidment, welcoming everyone to the AGM and emphasizing the important work everyone in attendance does for the Ottawa community.

“It occurs to me that through the act of kindness that you show everyday as people come through your door you are not just delivering a dinner or breakfast – you’re actually delivering an act of friendship,” says Law. “And I think that reminder of kindness can mean as much to a person – particularly when they’re alone – maybe even more, than the food means. And that’s what you do. So thank you for doing that.”

“We’re excited to tell you about our plans to launch a community consultation this year, about our organizations vision and mission. After 30 years, we really want to make sure we’re doing all we can to impact food security and hunger in our community. This is especially important as we look at the year ahead,” says Maidment. “In closing… I want to thank you for our partnership. We can do more together than we can do alone.”

Sarah Tremblay, Treasure of the Ottawa Food Bank’s Board of Directors, was happy to announce that the Ottawa Food Bank achieved a surplus in revenue of $461,661. These funds will all go back into programs to help provide for the community.

Several members of the Board stood for re-election and three new members were elected. Welcome to the Ottawa Food Bank Board of Directors to Dr. Isra Levy, Greg Strahl, and Golsa Ghamari.

With the coming of new members, means we unfortunately have to say goodbye to some who are moving on from the Board of Directors. Thank you very much to Diane Morrison (Past Chair) and Natalie Evans (past Treasurer) for your dedication to our Board for many years.

The Keynote Address by Mike Bulthius, Executive Director of Ottawa Alliance to End Homelessness, was a message of encouragements, telling the audience not to be afraid to make bold statements that the end to homelessness and hunger is possible.

“I am hopeful. I am hopeful that we can talk boldly about ending homelessness, just as you should talk boldly about ending food insecurity,” says Bulthius. “We have a great community will, and I think here in Ottawa we see that in spades.”

A big thank you to our member agencies, volunteers, donors, and supporters for another successful year. Thank you for all you do to at the Ottawa Food Bank and in our community helping move our neighbours beyond hunger.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”See our 2014-2015 Year in Review” color=”primary” align=”center” i_align=”right” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-bar-chart” link=”||target:%20_blank” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true”][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1453835897551-e04fcc96-8fbd-0″ include=”14777,14781,14782,14780,14779,14778″][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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