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Good Samaritan Inter-Faith Food Drive

Good Samaritan Inter-Faith Food Drive is one weekend a year for believers of all faiths to express solidarity and respect for one another. Good Samaritans invite Ottawa believers to participate in their Inter-Faith Food Drive to help provide for people in need in the community.
Please bring some non-perishable food to your place of worship on Mother’s Day weekend. We are asking the place of worship to announce the food drive and deliver the donations to our central drop off station in the parking lot behind the main Ottawa Mosque, 251 Northwestern Ave near Scott Street.
We need your help. Ask your faith leader to announcement the food drive. A box at the entrance of your place of worship and one vehicle out front on your day of worship, trunk open, could be all that is needed.
Donations for the Ottawa Food Bank can be dropped off on Friday May 10, Saturday May 11 or Sunday, May 12 from Noon until 6PM at 251 Northwestern Av.





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