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Great Glebe Garage Sale

It’s time for the 32nd Annual Great Glebe Garage Sale! A day full of sun, unique items, and giving to a good cause. Rain or Shine!
“Since the inception of the sale in 1986, the Glebe Community Association has endorsed donations to the Ottawa Food Bank as part of this incredibly festive event. After all, it is about building community,” states the Glebe Community Association.
Participating vendors are encouraged to donated 10 % of their earnings to the Ottawa Food Bank.
Last year’s sale raised nearly $14,000!

The Ottawa Food Bank and the Glebe Community Association will be reminding vendors and bargain hunters to consider donating some of their profits or savings.
Get out there, hunt out the great deals and finds, and support the Ottawa Food Bank!
Date: Saturday, May 26
Time: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. (though many arrive early!)
Note: Parking is very limited in the Glebe. It is encouraged to walk, bike, or bus to the sale (OC Transpo routes 1 and 7 will take you to the Glebe down Bank St.)

