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Guten Appétit by Anna Jahn

For cooking novices, reluctant home cooks and adventurous foodies, this series is for everyone and any household size. I hope to make simple meals accessible and elevate them with small tweaks and tips.

Participants will receive a detailed shopping list, recipe, a wine recommendation and a themed Spotify playlist one week prior to the event.

While we are all suffering from some zoom fatigue, these sessions are a bit different as you cook along with me, learn something new, and are engaged in dialogue with myself, the sommelier, and other guests. A great opportunity to engage the whole household in a fun, accessible, and collaborative cooking experience.

– Saturday, February 27, 6 to 8 pm: An Italian Classic: Risotto alla Milanese with portobello mushrooms. In support of the Ottawa Food Bank.

– Saturday, March 27th 6 to 8pm: Schweizer family favorite: Zürcher Geschnetzeltes mit Rosti. In support of the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra.

– Saturday, April 24, 6 to 8 pm: Marseille is calling: Moules Frites. In support of Parkinson Canada.

– Saturday, May 29th 6 to 8 pm: Just Dessert. In support of Ecology Ottawa.

– Saturday, June 12th 6 to 8 pm: Pasta forever.

$25 per household (no limit re numbers), $10 for students

$100 for all 5 events

Each event is supporting a different local or national non-profit/ charity. Proceeds and extra donations for each event will be donated to each of the following charities: Ottawa Food Bank, Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Parkinson Canada, Ecology Ottawa.


