Our farm is behind due to record rain fall

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As a result of record rain fall and colder than usual temperatures, our crops are suffering. Overall, we think we will be down by 25,000 lbs of fresh food from our farm. That is a huge loss and means we have less produce to give to our clients.

With all the rain, some plants sat under a foot of water for an extended period of time, and as a result are stunted or diseased and had to be completely uprooted.

Since the weather has been so poor, we’ve also had to cancel approximately 850 hours worth of volunteer help.

As other local farmers are experiencing the same devastation, we also haven’t received nearly as many farm gate donations or had any gleaning opportunities.

You can help!

For the first time ever, we are running a FRESH Food Drive to collect vegetables and fruit. You can help by:

  • Visit one of the participating grocery stores in the city on Saturday, September 16th, and purchase an extra bag of produce for the Ottawa Food Bank and donate it to one of our volunteers on site – volunteers will also be accepting monetary donations
  • Drop by our warehouse at 1317 Michael Street, Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 4:00 with produce from your own garden or purchased locally – other area farmers are suffering too, make sure to show them some support
  • Make a monetary donation online. For every dollar you donate, we can deliver $5 of nutritious and fresh food to the community.

We are committed to providing nutritious food to the community to ensure healthy outcomes! We are calling on you for your help to ensure we can continue to provide fresh food to people across the city.

Participating Grocery Stores:

  • Loblaws Merivale – 1460 Merivale Road
  • Metro Convent Glen – 6509 Jeanne D’Arc Blvd
  • Superstore Westboro – 190 Richmond Road
  • FreshCo – 4750 Bank Street

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