Food programs across the city are hard at work while ensuring we stay healthy

At the Ottawa Food Bank, and at food programs across the city, continuing to work so our neighbours don’t go without is our main priority. At the same time, another very important priority is top of mind: everyone’s health.

We, and hard-working community food programs across the city, are doing all we can to help while staying safe.

Here are the measures that have been taken:

  • Ottawa Food Bank and food programs across the city had a conference call with Ottawa Public Health to answer all questions and to discuss best practices to ensure everyone’s health and safety
  • Food programs have moved to a hamper model to practice proper social distancing
  • Flow of service has changed to practice proper social distancing
  • If a volunteer or staff member has travelled or is feeling unwell, they are asked to not enter the premises and to self-isolate for the recommended 14 days
  • Limited staff in the Ottawa Food Bank office, with the majority of office employees working from home
  • Ottawa Food Bank drivers have altered their delivery methods to practice proper social distancing
  • We’ve created “zones” in our warehouse so our volunteer food sorters can practice proper social distancing while helping sort food donations

Community food programs across the city are working tirelessly to ensure their neighbours and clients receive the food they need. If you note their websites aren’t fully up to date or it takes a bit longer to get a call back, we ask that you are patient at this time. We are all working under special circumstances right now, and we’re all in this together!

How do I get the food I need?

We are in constant contact with the food programs across the city to make sure we have up-to-date hours for your community food program.

To find where you can go to get a hamper, you can use our online look up too. Search your address, then click on the pin in the map that has the apple on it, and your food program’s information will pop up.

If you would like to speak to someone about how to get your food hamper, please call us, Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm at 613-745-7001

6 Responses

    1. Hi there Ms. Payne,

      At this time we ask that volunteers create profiles on our Volunteer Hub. In here you’ll see a volunteer calendar where you can sign up for shifts to help out. If we have to put out a larger call for volunteers, you’ll get notified as well after you create your profile.

      Thank you so much for your willingness to help!
      Volunteer Hub:

  1. While you are putting out the call for help, I believe you are misleading the people of Ottawa by saying you’re servicing city wide. This isn’t true. There are suburban food banks that are independent. Stittsville food bank is run by unpaid volunteers. Be honest!

    1. Our apologies if something said made it sound like we were in Stittsville. You are correct that the food programs in Stittsville, Kanata, and Barrhaven are not part of the Ottawa Food Bank member agency network. They are doing fantastic work in their communities – and we welcome working with them in the future.

      We currently provide food to 112 incredible food programs across the city. The majority are in Ottawa “proper” but some are also in outskirt communities as well.

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