Thank you Chicken Farmers of Canada

Did you attend this year’s Great Canadian Chicken BBQ during the Canada Day weekend? If so, thank you for your support!

Every year, for the past 25 years, the Chicken Farmers of Canada have held their annual (and delicious) Great Canadian Chicken BBQ on Major’s Hill Park for Canada Day. A portion of the chicken sales from the event are always donated to the Ottawa Food Bank.

While Mother Nature wasn’t the most cooperative during the Canada Day weekend, the event was still a success, and the Chicken Farmers made an incredibly generous donation to the Ottawa Food Bank of $7,500.

The Chicken Farmers of Canada have been long-time supporters of the Ottawa Food Bank through this event, but also provide us with fresh chicken for the guests of our community food programs, including 1,358 cases in the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

Thank you for all you do for our community, Chicken Farmers of Canada.



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