Thank You Ottawa For Making This a Record-Breaking CBC Project Give!

CBC Project Give
This day of story-telling, music, and kindness raised $282,498.84!

The very first Project Give in 2014 helped the Ottawa Food Bank pilot our reFRESH Program, which made it possible for us to purchase produce over the winter months when our farm is closed. The program is still alive and well, and we’ve expanded it to purchase produce year-round. Thanks to CBC Project Give, a good amount of that $282K will go toward fresh food, and that is truly life-changing for the people who will receive it

for food for your neighbours!
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We would like to take a moment to thank some of the people that were crucial to the success of this event:

We’d like to thank the on-air and behind the scenes team at CBC Ottawa for the incredible work.

A BIG thank you to our incredible member agencies who participated in the day and shared their stories, and the stories of their clients. We cannot express how proud we are to work with amazing organizations such as yourselves!

Thank you to our anonymous donor that challenged listeners to match their $10,000 contribution during Ottawa Morning.

Thank you to our anonymous group of supporters known as the Loyal Fans of CBC who challenged listeners to match their $16,200 donation during the All In A Day programming.

A huge thank you to all the artists who donated their time and talent to write original songs to help bring donations.

And last but not least, we’d like to thank all the incredible people who opened their hearts and made a donation to help our community.

Thank You!


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