Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal

The staff team, Board of Directors, and entire Ottawa Food Bank community are very proud of Executive Director, Peter Tilley. In early February, Peter was awarded with a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.

The Diamond Jubilee commemorative medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Medal serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.

Peter was nominated by Pierre Lemieux, Member of Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, who also presented him with his medal during the ceremony.

“All of [the Ottawa Food Bank’s accomplishments] would not be possible without teamwork. Peter has been a great team player all the way through. Many of you surely know Peter is a huge sports fan – so I think it would be fitting to describe Peter’s role at the food bank as the Quarterback on a winning team…perhaps a team like the San Diego Chargers…” said Lemieux. “Now, a quarterback certainly plays an important leadership role, by calling the signals for the plays. Peter does the same, directing the operations here on a regular basis. And he is being recognized for his dedication and passion for that important role.”

As Peter humbly approached the podium to accept his medal and express his gratitude, he was quick to thank those who have helped him and the Ottawa Food Bank along the way.

“I wouldn’t be receiving this today if it wasn’t for the Ottawa Food Bank’s staff, volunteers, Board, and community of supporters. It is the community at large that contributes to the success of the Ottawa Food Bank and its mission,” said Tilley. As he concluded his acceptance, he patted the medal pinned to chest stating, “This is for all of us.”

Peter is one of only 60,000 Canadians, and only a handful of Ottawans, to be recognized with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Congratulations Peter!

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