Renew Your Support, Give Healthy Food

As we’re now into 2020, we’re eager to report back on how your generosity helped provide to people across Ottawa throughout last year.

Our big focus over the past few years has been to increase the amount, and variety, of fresh fruits and vegetables we provide to our member agencies all year long. And with you’re help, we’re doing it!

  • The reFRESH program has grown exponentially with 11 different fresh fruit and veggie options available all year long.
  • You helped provide over 500 meals a day for 7 weeks to vulnerable children this summer. These children, whose families depend on the school lunch programs during the school year, desperately need the extra help in the summer months.
  • You’ve also helped us provided funding to our community food banks so they can increase their capacity with freezers and refrigerators in an effort to their produce, meats, dairy and eggs fresh!

All these incredible successes were only possible because you gave generously to the Ottawa Food Bank. Will you renew your essential support today?

Your support helps moms like Crystal and her husband, who struggle to feed their children each day. Like many of those living at or below the poverty line, Crystal finds it hard to survive on minimum wage. 

“The things that normally take a backseat are the things for me and my husband. We make sure the kids have everything they need: snacks, fruits and vegetables. But if I only have enough for them, I won’t take any. So, they get what they need, and I’ll make do.”

The increasing cost of living is a crisis for many of your neighbours. It’s a crisis you’ll help us continue to address throughout 2020. 

Your renewed support will also:

  • help increase the amount of healthy food we purchase by $200,000 to ensure more of the food we provide is highly nutritious;
  • invest in programs at food banks across the city that help get people back on their feet, like community kitchens;
  • purchase fridges and freezers to ensure agencies can store the fresh food we provide;

You’ll give Ottawa’s most vulnerable more than just a healthy meal. You’ll give them hope and show them that their community cares.


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