Thank you for helping with the Thanksgiving holiday

Thank you, Ottawa, for your generosity leading up to Thanksgiving.

Our wonderful supporters from Bell Media held a Thanks for Giving food drive during the first weekend of October, and then we did our annual Thanks for Giving food drive on October 10th.

With radio and television personalities from 87 George headquarters supporting the cause, the Bell Media Thanks for Giving food drive brought in an impressive 32,570 lbs. of food through Metro grocery store locations across the Ottawa.

The following weekend, on October 10th, saw hundreds of volunteers out at 18 Loblaws, Superstore, Metro, and Your Independent Grocer locations across Ottawa. The Ottawa Food Bank’s Thanks for Giving food drive has traditionally taken place over multiple days, but this year was a more focused one-day blitz. The blitz paid off and generous people across the city donated 80,000 lbs of food in just one day!

[blockquote]The two food drives collectively brought in 112,570 lbs of food for people in Ottawa during the Thanksgiving holiday.[/blockquote]

Thank you to everyone who donated and thank you to all the wonderful volunteers and participants. Your generosity makes a huge difference in the lives of people who are trying to move beyond hunger.


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