After the Storm

The damage from the storm on Saturday, May 21, 2022 is widespread. More people have been affected by this outage than both the ice storm of 1998 and the tornadoes of 2018.

Many people in Ottawa have gone through difficult times during the last few days. Here’s an update on our response as well as other food security news:

  • Community Food Banks across the city, as well as individuals and families, have had to throw away fridges and freezers full of food due to extended power outages.
  • Our immediate focus has been to provide fresh food that does not require refrigeration. We are delivering items like bread, fruits, vegetables, and snacks to member agencies until they regain power.
  • Once power is restored, our focus will shift to replenishing the amount of food in cold storage that was lost. It could take weeks to reach normal levels again.
  • We are anticipating an uptick in visitors to food banks in Ottawa, with some accessing support for the first time. With the rising cost of food and many other necessities, losing a full refrigerator and freezer will be difficult for many.
  • We’ve been working closely with the City of Ottawa and many other incredible food security and social service agencies across the city to coordinate our services, working together to ensure that we’re effectively supporting residents of Ottawa.

Ottawa is an incredible community. We have come together through recessions, tornadoes, and a pandemic, and we know this community will continue to show up in the aftermath of this storm, too.

Thank you, Ottawa.
Together, we will get through this.

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