Your filled thousands of fridges this past holiday season

Thanks to your holiday spirit and generosity, our volunteer food sorters have been working hard since the Holiday Food Drive, presented by Mosaic, began in November.

Over the course of the Holiday Food Drive a total of 433 workplaces, classrooms, community groups, and teams collectively raised more than $240,000 and 98,195 lbs. of food.

This food drive is critical to the Ottawa Food Bank as it stocks our shelves and helps us provide for over 39,000 people every month throughout the winter and into the Spring.

Now that the holidays are over, incoming monetary and food donations drop substantially – though the need for emergency food relief across the city remains the same. As a result, the success of our Holiday Food Drive is always so important to us, and the community we help to support.

Please know that your kindness over the holidays, and all year round, is not only appreciated by us but also by the 112 community food programs across the city for whom we provide food. Most of all, your contribution is appreciated by the families and individuals who find themselves in need of a little extra help. These people are doing all they can to move beyond hunger – thank you for helping our neighbours take those steps.

Thank you to Sydni from Dymon Self Storage and to the 33 Service Battalion, Canadian Army Reserve Unit for helping our already hard-working drivers by volunteering to pick up donations from hundreds of locations across the city. THANK YOU!

Finally, thank you to our Holiday Food Drive sponsor, Mosaic, for your incredible support along the way. We are very fortunate to have had you as a partner for this year’s campaign and are grateful for your generosity.

A sample of some of the amazing
Holiday Food Drive support from across the city

* the main photo up top is two incredible students from St. Brigid’s Catholic School who helped to fill 25 boxes of food during their Holiday Food Drive.


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